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STAR 2 SUCCESS CONSULTANTS ™ is a division of Star Health Vacations & Health Travels Pvt Ltd. Its motto is “The Art of Transformation: Reach out to the Stars”.
Vince Lombardi, one of the best coaches in the football world, is no doubt one of the greatest extraordinary people that you can learn from.
And this is exactly what I am going to write about today. I will show you 3 golden tips of success from Vince Lombardi that can change your life and move you toward your ultimate success in life. Of course, there is a ton of great tips and advice from this extraordinary guy, but I am going to share with you 3 that I think are most powerful in shaping your destiny…
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather in a lack of will.”
How true it is. It is not knowledge that will determine your success. It not strength that will determine your success too. Both knowledge and strength are just forms of potential power that can help you in achieving whatever you want in your life.
If knowledge will determine your success, I am sure thousands of university graduates would be successful. Ironically, a lot of university graduates are working for very successful entrepreneurs who do not have much education in their lives.
Do not get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with education. I just want to point out that education itself is not the main factor that will determine how successful you are.
It is your will that will determine how much you can accomplish in your life. In other words, it is your desire for what you want that will decide how far and how much you can achieve. Most people are living in mediocrity not because they do not have the knowledge or the strength, it is mainly because they do not have the will and the desire to do it.
Every one of us is capable to produce outstanding results in our lives if we wanted to. You know it very well that you are capable, that you are unique and that you can achieve extraordinary results in your life. Unfortunately, most people do not have the will to do it.
When you have the burning desire and the will, you are going to do whatever it takes and you definitely will accomplish what you set out to. Remember, God do not make junk, you have your own strength and you can live an awesome and abundance life if you want to.
20 Techniques to Build a Positive Attitude
Before we start, This question cropped up in my mind, Do we really need a positive attitude and Do we have to worry about the buzz around this when we have such a fast-moving and modern lifestyle? The choice is completely left to you, if you are really interested in developing a positive attitude, read on. If you are against it, well you may at least want to know it's benefits before finalizing your decision.
Here are some benefits of having a positive attitude,
1. Problems become Opportunities, Yes I'm damn serious!
2. More friends and better relationships.
3. Convert dreams into reality.
4. Better health.
5. More Success comes your way.
Has the thought of changing your decision occurred to you? Good, It is in fact necessary to have a positive attitude irrespective of the pace of our lifestyles. If you believe in the law of attraction, you get what you think and feel about, so doesn't it make sense to think and feel positively? Hopefully you're at least considering the idea that developing a positive attitude is worthwhile. What I listed above is only a fraction of the benefits.
How to Develop a Positive Attitude
I really hope it were child's play but developing positivism needs time and commitment. However, there are things you can do it make it fun and the results are certainly worth the effort. I think you’ll notice that once you get going, being positive on a regular basis will get easier for you. As you repeat exercises consciously, your subconscious will learn from that repetition and eventually take over for you. Here's a simple example, Learning the guitar requires a lot of patience and practice. At first, you probably face difficulty in forming your chords but as you practice continuously, you begin to form and hold them with relative ease and you needn't even look at the fretboard. So our main goal is to train our subconscious mind to think positively without much effort.
Techniques to Develop a Positive Attitude/Positivism
1. Be Committed - Though the choice is yours, You should be having the will power to achieve a positive attitude.
2. Curb Unwanted Activities - Now that you are really committed, Avoid spending a lot of time for TV, Radio etc. and instead try to read a positive book, you can also read inspiring quotes to increase positivism.
3. Positive Language - You probably know this, Avoid words like 'never', 'can't', 'won't' and don't always use a 'why'. Use phrases like 'I can', 'I want', 'I will', 'I need', 'I should' etc.
4. Have Positive People Around You - It is quite tough, but try to surround yourself with people who support you, speak the truth and think positively. Try to avoid people who criticize often. Also avoid people who are jealous of you and impede your progress.
5. Don't Expect Anything in Return - Give away what you seek without expectation or measuring. When you seek success, help others to be successful. When you seek happiness, help others to find happiness first. (Wonderfully written, isn't it? :P)
6. Reduce your Ego - You can read more about this here.
7. Don't "Get Angry; Resent; Judge" Read more about anger management here. Resentment and Judgement give you negativity. Avoid them to have a positive attitude.
8. Make Positive and Realistic Dreams - Don't try to live up to the expectations of others. Do what you really dream of. Have positive and achievable dreams.
9. Dare the Truth, Believe in what you really think is 'The Truth' and what you really want to do
10.Take responsibility of your actions, your life - If you do this, you will start realizing your own mistakes and with that you try to avoid doing mistakes giving you positivity.
11.Show gratitude to people. Track your results in a gratitude journal.
12.Track your success results.
13.Meditation - You can read more about this here.
14.Like I've said in previous articles, Have visualization of good imagery, Positive Outcomes as your imagery in this case.
15.Try to check your Negative Emotions
16.Posture - Adjust your posture, Sit Straight, Sit tight and don't lean; You'll see the difference! (Why don't you try it now?)
17.The Sedona Method - Helps you release the negative emotions, Make you happy for a long time.
18.Proper Diet - Improving your health gives you a positive attitude. Eat Properly and Carefully and have a well-planned and carefully chosen diet.
19.Play Around - Don't stress yourself too much. It leads to negativism. Take some time to play too.
20.How about Positive Affirmations? - Get positive messages to your inbox daily. Small messages, but have a big impact.
It takes 21 days to create a habit and by following these principles you will be inspired to move forward in your success path.
1. Thought
Your thinking is the first step to success.
2. Preparation
Preparation is the key to success
3. Action
Action is the foundational key to all success.
4. Early Riser
Getting up early gives you a early advantage.
5. Use Time effectively
Time is precious and we have to use it effectively.
6. Find time
Success and failure depends on if you have found the time to do the right
7. Identify the optimum strategies
Identify the optimum strategies and repeat them until they become habits.
8. The 3Ps for success
Patience, persistence and perspiration are the the 3Ps for success
9. Five essential skills
Concentration, Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and
Communication are the 5 skills for success.
10. Begin everyday anew
Every day is an opportunity to start again!
11. Happiness
Happiness is the key to success
12. Self-confidence
Self-confidence is important for success and being well prepared makes us
13. Focus
Focus to gain clarity.
14. Effort
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated everyday.
15. Try,try,try again
Success is achieved by the motto keep trying!
16. Hope
When you have hope all things will work out for you.
17. Begin where you are
Start from where you are and you will soon succeed.
18. A clear strong purpose
There is no road to success, but through a clear strong purpose.
19. Ask
Ask questions to improve your knowledge and to improve your success
20 Ask these 4 questions
Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now? Ask these questions to get your
success formula.
21. Do your best
This is the secret to success-Do your best!
Hope you are motivated to meeting your goals. Wishing you success in
21 Suggestions for Success By H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery.
2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent.
3. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.
5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.
6. Be generous.
7. Have a grateful heart.
8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.
9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.
10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.
11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.
12. Commit yourself to quality.
13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.
14. Be loyal.
15. Be honest.
16. Be a self-starter.
17. Be decisive even if it means you’ll sometimes be wrong.
18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.
19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you’ll regret the things you didn’t do more than the ones you did.
20. Take good care of those you love.
21. Don’t do anything that wouldn’t make your Mom proud.
24 Things to Always Remember
1. Your presence is a present to the world
2. You are unique and one of a kind.
3. Your life can be what you want it to be.
4. Take the days just one at a time.
5. Count your blessings, not your troubles.
6. You will make it through whatever comes along.
7. Within you are so many answers.
8. Understand, have courage, be strong.
9. Do not put limits on yourself.
10. So many dreams are waiting to be realised.
11. Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
12. Reach for your peak, your goal and your prize.
13. Nothing wastes more energy than worrying.
14. The longer one carries a problem the heavier it gets.
15. Do not take things too seriously.
16. Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.
17. Remember that a little love goes a long way.
18. Remember that a lot...goes forever.
19. Remember that friendship is a wise investment.
20. Life's treasures are people together.
21. Realize that it is never too late.
22. Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
23. Have heart, hope and happiness.
24. Take the time to wish upon a star.
50 Ways to De-stress your way to Success
Stress is a number one killer and demotivator of success and productivity. We are all guilty of stressing out, even over the smallest of things so I have put together a list of 50 simple ways you can start de-stressing your life right now!
So we all know that it is always easier said than done however if you start small by implementing one or two things from this list a day to help de-stress your life then you are on your way and sooner than you think, you will be stress free and able to focus with more positive energy to reach your goals.
- Wake up 15 minutes earlier
- Prepare for the morning, the night before
- Don’t rely on your memory…write things down
- Repair things that don’t work properly
- Make duplicate keys
- Say ‘”no” more often
- Set priorities in your life
- Avoid negative people
- Always make copies of important papers
- Ask for help with jobs you dislike
- Break large tasks into bit sized portions
- Look at problems as challenges
- Smile more
- Be prepared for rain
- Schedule play time into every day
- Avoid tight fitting clothes
- Take a bubble bath
- Believe in you
- Visualise yourself winning
- Develop a sense of humour
- Have goals for yourself
- Say hello to a stranger
- Look up at the stars
- Practise breathing slowly
- Do brand new things
- Stop a bad habit
- Take stock of your achievements
- Do it today
- Strive for excellence, not perfection
- Look at a work of art
- Maintain your weight
- Plant a tree
- Stand up and stretch
- Learn to meet your own needs
- Become a better listener
- Know your limitations and let others know them too
- Throw a paper airplane
- Exercise every day
- Get to work early
- Clean out one closet or drawer
- Take a different route to work
- Leave work early (with permission)
- Remember you always have options
- Quit trying to fix other people
- Get enough sleep
- Praise other people
- Take each day at a time…you have your whole like to live.
- Take time out to just ‘be’ everyday
- Do one thing at a time
- Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better today
Coaching to win
Increasingly major hotels and hotel companies & other corporations in both the public and private sectors, as well as in the not-for profit sector, are integrating coaching and mentoring
into their development programmes for senior and other executives.
These programmes will also typically include work based development, formal training and self learning. The terms‘coach’ and ‘mentor’ have tended to merge as if into one but, in fact, there are critical differences between being a coach and being a mentor.
If we think about the great sports coaches acclaimed by fans and media - and indeed by the
boards of the companies that run football, cricket, basketball, ice hockey - it becomes clear
that a coach is focused on improving performance. The coach has a single goal. The
relationship between coach and executive is tied up in the organisations structure and the
coach exercises influence because of the position he has been given. As the recipient of
coaching, the executive hopes to benefit from improved personal performance as an
individual and as a member of the various teams in which the executive plays. The arena in
which the coach and the executive interact is limited to the task in hand – the task that is to be
Compare this to the role of a mentor. The mentor is charged with facilitating an individual as
they self-select how to learn for any or all of life’s challenges. Generally, the mentee selects
the mentor; the relationship is not forced upon the mentee by the shape of the organisation.
The mentee reacts to the mentor’s words and actions not because of any organisational
power play but because the mentee perceives the mentor’s advice to have value.
A mentor is biased in favour of the mentee – a coach is impartial, focused on improvement in
behaviour. The coach develops specific skills for the task, challenge and performance
expectations at work.
A mentor is a power-free two-way mutually beneficial relationship. Mentors are teachers and
facilitators, allowing the protégé to discover their own direction. They let their mentees find
their own solutions. A coach has a set agenda to reinforce or change skills and behaviours.
Even in formal mentoring programmes, the protégé and the mentor have choices – to
continue, to stop, to change focus. If I’m your mentor you probably chose me. Coaching is
much more likely to be imposed as part of an agreed organisational programme Indeed your
coach probably hired you.
A coach is strategically assessing and monitoring progress and giving advice for effectiveness
and efficiency. A mentor is much more like a sounding board.
So coaching and mentoring are not the same thing. If I am your coach, then you probably
work for me and my concern is your performance and your ability to change and I want to
enrol you in the vision and direction of the hotel or hotel company that we are both part of.
In realising my organisational requirement as a coach, I may need to add competence, inject
elements provided by external resources, change my own behaviour, to better achieve the
coaching responsibilities that my position places on me.
People are way more critical than you think - don't give them fuel for the fire!
Back in the early 70’s, a friend asked me what my long-term career goal was. When I answered that I would like to eventually become the president of a large university, my friend chuckled and replied, "Tony, there's no way!" I took offense at this and demanded to know why he would react that way. He said, "Don't misunderstand me, Tony. You're certainly intelligent and ambitious enough. But can you imagine yourself addressing the student body with your Brooklyn accent?" I realized that he was right. My accent was so heavy (lots of 'dees' and 'dose') that it would have had a negative impact on my credibility and my career. I resolved to change that aspect of myself and eventually became a professional speaker.
The old adage is true: "First impressions are lasting impressions." But if you're like most people, you probably can't see the first impressions you're making. In that case, here's some simple advice you can take from the story above: Take the risk of asking one or more of your close friends if you are guilty of any of the following image deficiencies below. If so, first thank your friends for their honesty, and then immediately do something to correct them! Try creating an impression you want to last.
Common first-impression killers & what to do about them:
A heavy accent - The Brooklyn accent is just one of many... Bostonians and Southerners beware!!! Some people read this as a sign of intellectual inferiority, others just won't understand what you're saying. Consult a speech coach if you must, but don't let this habit get in your way!
A limp handshake - For a man, a sign of weakness...for a woman, a sign that she lacks confidence! Don't squeeze the hand or hold it like a dead mouse, just give it a firm grip, a couple of pumps, and let go. Along with making consistent eye contact, this is one of the easiest first-impression blunders to correct!
Sloppy grooming (long hair, sideburns, three-day stubble, bad makeup job, un-tucked shirt or blouse, unpolished shoes) - Says to hiring manager: "Can't be left alone for a second with prospective clients" - also a sign of intellectual sloppiness!
Poor hygiene (foul body odor, dirty fingernails, chronic bad breath) - One of those things you want to ask your most trusted best friend about because (1) chances are, you can't notice it, and (2) some people won't want to hurt your feelings.
Weak vocabulary -Beside "like" "ah" and "um" try to avoid weak words ("awesome" "cool" and "super") that make you sound like you just graduated from Sweet Valley High.
Poor posture - People notice the way you enter a room, the way you carry yourself. Take a few deep breaths to collect yourself. Stand tall and hold your head up high. Walk with purpose and direction.
Ill-fitting clothing - Even if your body is in perfect shape, the clothes you wear can make you look ridiculous if they are too big and bulky, or one size too small and reveal too much (stomach, hairy shins). Nothing screams "success" like a well-tailored suit...do yourself a favor and make a serious investment in clothes that fit!
Another key element to making the best first impression: CHARISMA.
The truth is that everyone has the potential to be a charismatic individual. Those who are charismatic have found a way to unleash that potential. Don't be folled for a single second that you're just one of the unlucky ones who is stuck with a bland, average personality.
Once you fully engage your charisma, you'll
- Get far more respect than the average person does.
- Be admired and adored, often without effort.
- Exude huge amounts of self-confidence and self-esteem.
- Appear extremely powerful without being intimidating.
- Easily get what you want, because people will instinctively want to help you.
Creative Visualization - Attracting Success With Mind Power
Bring Success to your Life with Creative Visualization
"Chase your Dreams", "Never give up on your dreams", "Work hard and let your dreams come true", why the legendary Steven Tyler of Aerosmith made a whole song on it, "Dream On" (one of my favs.!), with the lyrics, "Dream on, Dream until your dreams come true". This is the one step where the whole world struggles, From Imagination to Reality, or simply dreams to reality! For this creative visualization is what we need.
Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to make dreams come true. If applied properly, Creative Visualization can bring loads of success and prosperity to your life. With this, you can alter your environment to the required extent, change circumstances, make events occur, attract success and soon the materialistic desires will follow suit. Power over mind brings Success and that is what Creative Visualization mainly focuses on.
There are people who use it in their everyday affairs too (Me too!), either knowingly or unknowingly (you may call this daydreaming!). Famous personalities and celebs too use this to attract success. The main thing here is they imagine their goals as if they had been already achieved.
So, How does it work? Just imaging or imagination of your goals as already achieved will help? Before I answer, I must admit that all the credit goes to the human brain and more importantly because it has that necessary subconscious part. With creative visualization, our subconscious part of the brain accepts the thoughts and changes our attitude and habits and actions and what not accordingly to our goals, or to keep it simple, it'll put you in the right path to achieve your goal. Subsequently, with change in our actions and attitude, we can alter the circumstances created by us, with it comes the alteration of the environment around us and with this we greatly increase the chances for events to occur our way. With a bit of luck, your goal is more substantially easy to achieve than it was before.
Overcoming Limited Thinking
Okay, everything looks so easy, so should I start making my thoughts right now? If it were that easy, we'd all be Superhumans or world famous personalities. I'll tell you, it's not easy to control your thinking, not easy at all. You gotta have a whole lotta heart and grit. Thus, we must curb the limits within us. For this, you should tune you're thinking. Start with small demonstrations, cling onto them until you think you can grow. At first it requires a lot of mental power, with constant thinking of the same thoughts, the subconscious brain does it's part, by grasping those thoughts and then you begin to think of your goals spontaneously. From here on, your thinking should start growing rapidly to the fullest extent i.e. achieving your goal and this is what I call 'Creative Visualization'.
How To Attain Success With Simple Steps
When you think about success, what comes into your mind? For most people, they will think about making a lot of money, staying in a big luxury bungalow, having and driving big cars, dining in the finest restaurant and more.
All the thoughts about success are so big and huge and they cannot be accomplished in just a day. In other words, it shows to you that success is not something that you can achieve instantly. You cannot achieve all the things and results that you want in an instant. You cannot become a millionaire overnight, it is possible, but it is a very rare case.
Therefore, for most people, success is about the end results that they are getting and not the journey that they are going through. The journey is where most people fail.
A lot of people fail to accomplish their goals and achieve their dreams not because they cannot see the end results that they want, but because they do not have whatever it takes to go through the journey. So this is where this article comes in.
What I would like to share with you today is that you can be successful at any moment in your life. Since it is the journey (what you do) that matters, so you must celebrate all your actions and treat them as a success.
When you are reading this article, you are actually making a small progress toward your success. You are motivating yourself and learning how you can achieve what you want in your life. You may not see the effect and the result right away. The truth is that these small actions did really contribute toward your success.
If your goal is to lose weight, you are successful when you push away the plate full of fries in front of you. The same if your goal is to become a millionaire. You are successful when you read an article about how to invest wisely in the market. As long as you do something, you are actually making the progress and are contributing your own success.
Many people did not realize this fact and this is why they are not doing anything about their dreams and their goals. When you treat all the small actions as a success, you will do them and you will do a lot of them.
This is what every successful person did and this is how the ultimate success can be achieved. You know it very well that if you want to achieve something, you must put in the effort by taking small actions each day. When you take action, the results will accumulate and eventually they will overflow and make the big success possible.
It is just like adding water into a bottle. If you keep on adding water into the bottle, it will eventually full and overflow. This is a common sense that most people know, but they did not realize that the same principle applies in their lives.
So now you understand how simple and small action steps can help you to accomplish your big dreams. What you need to do right now is to look at those small steps as a success. Celebrate after you have taken the necessary actions.
You do not need to have big celebration such as taking a vacation to Hawaii or something like that. You can celebrate by watching a movie, playing games, take a nap, buy yourself an ice-cream, listen to songs, relax, take a walk in the garden, do something that you love and so on and so forth.
There are many ways you can reward yourself. You want to develop taking action as a habit that is why you reward yourself whenever you do so. Once you have made it a habit, you will eventually reach your destination that you have always desire.
This is how success is done and how you can do it as well.
Mr. Kapur is a passionate and high energy professional. His focus towards improving processes and systems is phenomenally good. He has a deep understanding of learning and development and specializes in tailor made programs as per the training needs of the focus group/individual/client. His core competence lies in area of establishing new service standards and gauging the gaps in the existing standards and bridging those gaps
Divyansh Kaushik
Assistant Training Manager, at The Oberoi New Delhi
About Us |
STAR 2 SUCCESS CONSULTANTS ™ is a division of Star Health Vacations & Health Travels Pvt Ltd. Its motto is “The Art of Transformation: Reach out to the Stars”.