21 Tips To Help You Change Your Thinking




It takes 21 days to create a habit and by following these principles you will be inspired to move forward in your success path.

1. Thought

Your thinking is the first step to success.

2. Preparation

Preparation is the key to success

3. Action

Action is the foundational key to all success.

4. Early Riser

Getting up early gives you a early advantage.

5. Use Time effectively

Time is precious and we have to use it effectively.

6. Find time

Success and failure depends on if you have found the time to do the right


7. Identify the optimum strategies

Identify the optimum strategies and repeat them until they become habits.

8. The 3Ps for success

Patience, persistence and perspiration are the the 3Ps for success

9. Five essential skills

Concentration, Discrimination, Organization, Innovation and

Communication are the 5 skills for success.

10. Begin everyday anew

Every day is an opportunity to start again!

11. Happiness

Happiness is the key to success

12. Self-confidence

Self-confidence is important for success and being well prepared makes us


13. Focus

Focus to gain clarity.

14. Effort

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated everyday.

15. Try,try,try again

Success is achieved by the motto keep trying!

16. Hope

When you have hope all things will work out for you.

17. Begin where you are

Start from where you are and you will soon succeed.

18. A clear strong purpose

There is no road to success, but through a clear strong purpose.

19. Ask

Ask questions to improve your knowledge and to improve your success


20 Ask these 4 questions

Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now? Ask these questions to get your

success formula.

21. Do your best

This is the secret to success-Do your best!

Hope you are motivated to meeting your goals. Wishing you success in
