Creating Visualization


Creative Visualization - Attracting Success With Mind Power

Bring Success to your Life with Creative Visualization

"Chase your Dreams", "Never give up on your dreams", "Work hard and let your dreams come true", why the legendary Steven Tyler of Aerosmith made a whole song on it, "Dream On" (one of my favs.!), with the lyrics, "Dream on, Dream until your dreams come true". This is the one step where the whole world struggles, From Imagination to Reality, or simply dreams to reality! For this creative visualization is what we need.

Creative visualization is a mental technique that uses the imagination to make dreams come true. If applied properly, Creative Visualization can bring loads of success and prosperity to your life. With this, you can alter your environment to the required extent, change circumstances, make events occur, attract success and soon the materialistic desires will follow suit. Power over mind brings Success and that is what Creative Visualization mainly focuses on.

There are people who use it in their everyday affairs too (Me too!), either knowingly or unknowingly (you may call this daydreaming!). Famous personalities and celebs too use this to attract success. The main thing here is they imagine their goals as if they had been already achieved.

So, How does it work? Just imaging or imagination of your goals as already achieved will help? Before I answer, I must admit that all the credit goes to the human brain and more importantly because it has that necessary subconscious part. With creative visualization, our subconscious part of the brain accepts the thoughts and changes our attitude and habits and actions and what not accordingly to our goals, or to keep it simple, it'll put you in the right path to achieve your goal. Subsequently, with change in our actions and attitude, we can alter the circumstances created by us, with it comes the alteration of the environment around us and with this we greatly increase the chances for events to occur our way. With a bit of luck, your goal is more substantially easy to achieve than it was before.

Overcoming Limited Thinking

Okay, everything looks so easy, so should I start making my thoughts right now? If it were that easy, we'd all be Superhumans or world famous personalities. I'll tell you, it's not easy to control your thinking, not easy at all. You gotta have a whole lotta heart and grit. Thus, we must curb the limits within us. For this, you should tune you're thinking. Start with small demonstrations, cling onto them until you think you can grow. At first it requires a lot of mental power, with constant thinking of the same thoughts, the subconscious brain does it's part, by grasping those thoughts and then you begin to think of your goals spontaneously. From here on, your thinking should start growing rapidly to the fullest extent i.e. achieving your goal and this is what I call 'Creative Visualization'.